Patience Discount

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are long gone. But fear not, my savvy shopper friend, I have a little trick up my sleeve that could score you a sweet deal before Christmas rolls around. 

This article was floating around the web this week and although it seems like a silly way to score a much-needed discount – I’ve done it in the past and it can occasionally work! 

I love a good bargain and I’ve been known to carry a coupon or two in the back pocket of my skinny jeans – so this is right up my alley.

Let’s say you're browsing online, (probably during work hours) eyeing that shiny new air fryer or that stunning new pair of Crocs. Instead of impulsively hitting that "buy now" button, why not add it to your cart and then just... leave it?!

Yep, yoooou heard right. Park it and walk away. Bury those impulse purchases for the possibility of deep discounts and bragging rights. 

Here’s the deal - these greedy retailers could potentially have your email and previous purchasing records on hand, and they're keeping tabs on those abandoned orders. If you’re already in their system and they know you’ve purchased from them in the past, they'll notice that you were “this close” pulling the trigger. If you play your cards right and exercise a little patience, they might just slide into your inbox with a tempting discount code.

Hey shopper. You up? 

It could be something as enticing as a free shipping code or an eye-catching percentage off coupon. Heck, if they’re desperate to clear out their inventory, they might even throw in a foot massage and free turndown service. 

Who knows? The possibilities are endless! 

Try it out. The next time you're contemplating a purchase, remember this little secret and let the retailers come to YOU with their best offers. Patience pays, and it's always fun to see what tempting surprises land in your inbox.

Happy shopping, my deal-snatching compatriot! May the discounts be ever in your favor.

PowerPoint Presents

Snowflake Fabric

Alright, listen up, my merry little crew of kiddos! Are you looking to UP your present game this holiday season?

Forget about those ancient pieces of paper you've been scribbling your Christmas lists on. Those are SO 1990.

We're about to take it to a whole new level of present awesomeness this year.

Brace yourselves for the magical world of Christmas list POWERPOINT presentations. You’re about to blow your parents' minds with the coolest slideshows this side of the North Pole.

Picture this: you strut into the living room, your parents giddy with anticipation. The lights dim, the screen flickers to life, and voila! Behold your greedy holiday masterpiece. Your spectacular gifts are all showcased in the most organized, and visually stunning way possible. Move over, Picasso, there's a new artist in town, and they rock at creating cunning Christmas presentations.

Hold onto your reindeer butts, because we're about to add an additional sprinkle of pure genius to this already fantastic idea. Don’t just stop with the fancy slides - oh no, we're taking this to a whole new level. You’re going to also include links to everything you want! Make it as easy as one-click purchasing for your parents to fulfill all of your wildest Christmas dreams. Cue the mind-blown emoji! BOOM!

I know what you're thinking, kids. This isn't exactly a revolutionary idea. Some tech nerd went viral last year with their PowerPoint wish list and raked in more loot than a pirate at a treasure convention. But guess what? This brilliant plan is gaining even more popularity this year.

Why, you ask?

Because more and more people have smart TVs that can connect to phones and computers. This means you can cast your presentation onto a majestic 85-inch screen, making your Ninja Turtle and Barbie aspirations larger than life and in full HD.

Your parents are about to be gobsmacked by your cutting-edge tech-savviness. We know they can barely figure out how to work the toaster, let alone create a PowerPoint presentation. When they see your genius at work, they'll be so impressed with you that they won't be able to resist showering you with piles of gifts on Christmas morning.

Ka-ching! You've just hit the jolly jackpot, my little gift-hungry comrades.

Now GO! Don’t wait any longer - get your presentations started today and HO HO HOld on tight! The clock is ticking, and you've got what it takes to deliver stellar presentations that will punch your parents right in the nutcracker! Good luck.

Photo Credit: Jeremy P

Resolution time already?

Are you already thinking about your New Year's resolution? We briefly talked about this on the radio show and found it's not even December yet, but we're already preparing our list of reasons why we won't stick to them.

According to a poll, the easiest resolutions are things like "practicing better hygiene" and "drinking more water.” OK, so you'll have clean teeth and you'll need to pee a lot more. Big deal.

It seems that anything more difficult requires significant motivation which is just too much to ask for.

Where are the giving more to charity people, or give piggyback rides to elderly people, or stop shoplifting people? Pfffft.

Back to the poll.

Diving into the top five excuses for not following through with your resolutions:

1. The cost. You know, like when you decide to join a fancy gym and then realize it's going to drain your bank account faster than you can say "burpees." Time to bail!

2. Too busy. Because who has time to work on themselves when there's a never-ending to-do list and Netflix binge-watching? (I highly recommend the documentary on the American Gladiators TV show, it's SO good)

3. Not enough support from family or friends. It's hard to stay motivated when your loved ones are constantly offering you a box of donuts, a cold Dr. Pepper, and a pack of smokes - instead of that much-needed salad with extra carrots. Yuck!

4. A general lack of motivation. Sometimes, the couch just looks way too comfortable to leave for a jog. And let's be honest. We're all pretty lazy.

5. You don't see results right away and get discouraged. We live in an era of instant gratification, so if those abs don't magically appear, and your supermodel boyfriend doesn't sweep you off your feet after a couple of cardio classes, it's easy to lose hope. Time to buy a bigger belt.

Despite all of these silly excuses, a whopping 75% of people claim they usually set a New Year's resolution. And 83% of people have had some success with a resolution before.

Cheers to those folks!

In my opinion, you’ve gotta at least try. Even if you have a little negative self-talk creeping into your brain - there could be a tiny glimmer of hope, that if you set a SMALL goal, you MIGHT be able to accomplish a “NEW YEAR NEW ME” game plan.

In the meantime, I suggest you pig out on the donuts. You still have a little bit of 2023 left before the sugar rationing begins.

Photo Credit: Jeremy P